My fellow brethren and sisthren,
We have chanced upon the topic of love. It is stated in the Bible that "faith, love, and hope abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love." (I Corinthians 13:13) "We love because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8)
Most youngsters are getting muddled about the simple idea of love. They either misinterpret it or justify it or misuse it. Many underestimate the power and importance of this single four-letter word.
The opinion I am about to share may not be popular but I obtained it from an old grandmother so it might be worth paying attention to. Most guys think that in order to get into a relationship or get a girl to like them, they would have to shower these girls with attention, lavish gifts, and almost all of their effort and time. However, Elizabeth Erelafeya, a wise elderly said, "Don't chase after any girl that you like. Don't give her anything. Don't tell her anything. Don't even hint or give clues. Don't try too hard to make her notice you. Just be yourself. Invite her over. Talk to her like normal, as a friend. Treat her as normal."
How will that spark the love you need? How will that show her she is the one?
Girls are programmed to think that true love is when a guy is after them and showing them how much he loves them. A man, however, is capable of showing love just to get what he wants. A woman may only show love only if she is ready to trust and accept a man into her life. When the breakdown happens, a man may feel cheated for expending all his time and effort on a woman who do not really love him and a woman may get into the relationship just for the sake of having someone wait on her hand and foot without feeling real love in her heart.
So, change the way you approach love. "When you really love a woman, keep it a secret from her but never let her forget you. Get close to her and be yourself around her. You do not have to adapt to or compromise for her happiness but let her happiness revolve around you. And when she finally shows you that she truly loves you, then only do you let her know that you love her too."
Think about it. :)
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